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Gemini Full Moon ~ Harnessing the Energy

Happy Gemini Full Moon!

I'm feelin the energy, how about you??

This is the last full moon of the year and of the decade, woah!

The full moon is a great time to show gratitude, celebrate what you've created and called in, and start to release the things that weren't serving you this cycle.

With this Gemini moon, we can expect "major conversations around love, loyalty, and commitment"

Keep in mind that we are in the winter energy (in the western philosophy we're in fall, but from an eastern perspective winter has already started and the solstice marks the middle)

So while full moons are often more energy, if you're still feeling inward that's totally normal this time of year!

So how am I personally leaning into today's full moon?

  • Well I've been working from home and nourishing myself, and also giving myself space to flow and move and sing and get witchy

  • Tonight I'll be going to ecstatic dance and flowing with the moon energy

  • And then likely tomorrow I'll be doing my burning releasing ritual (sometimes I do this on the full moon, sometimes after and sometimes the third quarter)

and I'll be setting space for a ritual/ceremony container this afternoon. For me this'll look like...

  • cleansing the space

  • calling in the sacred directions and setting the energetic container

  • drop into some movement/chanting

  • self-energy work on the heart chakra

  • reflection/writing on love - what I'm currently feeling, what I'm releasing, what I'm calling in

  • SPI (sex powered intention)/sex magic to harness this full moon potent energy

  • Then closing the containers, thanking the directions and other supports

Let the energy of mama luna cleanse and nourish your soul!

I'd love to hear how you're leaning into this energy today?

It's so fun to have a general intention and then get creative with your ceremony and ritual and let your intuition guide!

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