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The Coven

A women's council and mastermind group

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Dearest sister...

For the Witches, Priestesses, Magickal women, lovers, creators, dreamers... Now more than ever, it is so important for women to gather, to share our stories, our dreams our desires. There is so much power when women gather to share and be witnessed, to weave our wisdom. 


The beauty of this space:

For those that have worked with me, you'll know how my containers typically are, this is a bit different. I'll be holding the space, but not "coaching" or "teaching". And if anyone else desires to take turns opening the space, dropping us in with meditation in the beginning or another practice, that is so welcomed and celebrated! 

This will be council style, taking turns sharing our stories, being witnessed, learning from each other. Everyone is equal in cyclical leadership. And if welcomed by the person sharing, anyone can jump in and share love, appreciation, insights, reflections. 


Together we deepen into sisterhood, into our embodiment, into trust and love. In my experience, spaces like this have deeply transformed me and made me the women I am today. There is so much power in simply gathering in presence and love with a group of women, particularly when it's the same group and we build a powerful field of energy together, cultivating collective energy around our dreams and desires.


We will meet 2x per month 90min-2 hr depending on how our flow goes, beginning in July (around the 13th, but will ground in the exact time as people trickle in). 


Some requested 6 months, but most seemed to desire starting with 3 months and seeing if we want to continue from there through the rest of the year.


Only 12 spaces (plus me =13 :) ), so that we can have a more intimate container and have that potent number 13 for our Coven. 


The investment:

$55-111 sliding scale/mo (the most affordable way to journey with me currently)


Can't wait to gather in Magick with you sister!


Much love,




P.S. Scholarships: 

If you desire to gift a scholarship spot to someone and have that capacity, you can use this same link to check out a second time <3 You are welcome to choose who you'd like to gift it to or you can let me know and I can offer it to someone

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